Being able to spot a drunk driver can be lifesaving because it gives you the option to avoid them. A driver who’s impaired can cause a wreck that results in catastrophic injuries or fatalities. There are 32 deaths in this country each day in crashes that involve...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
How can drivers reduce texting and driving accidents?
Texting and driving is one of the biggest causes of auto accidents. Phones are made to draw users' attention, which is dangerous while people are driving. If you want to reduce the number of texting-and-driving accidents should consider doing the following: Silence...
Most car accidents are caused by human error
As a general rule, human drivers are responsible for car accidents. It has been found that the vast majority of crashes – up to 98% – occur just because of human error. If the driver had been flawless in the operation of the vehicle, they could have avoided the...
What are the potential signs of internal bleeding?
If you’ve been involved in a serious accident caused by another driver, there is a chance for hidden and yet catastrophic injuries such as internal bleeding. Adrenaline may cover some of the pain, which could lead you to believe that you don’t need to seek medical...
Fatigued driving can be deadly – and most people do it
It’s very dangerous for people to drive when they are overly fatigued. Being too tired behind the wheel can even lead to situations where people fall asleep or nod off for a second. This can cause all manner of car accidents, from rear-end accidents to crashes where a...
4 kinds of traumatic brain injuries caused by car accidents
Millions of car accidents happen a year, and many of these accidents are caused by distracted, drunk or aggressive driving. While there are seatbelts, airbags and other safety devices that are designed to minimize someone’s injuries in a wreck, the head and brain...
2 factors that increase the likelihood of jackknife accidents
In today’s fast-paced world, where a constant flow of vehicles dominates roadways, understanding the intricacies of different types of accidents becomes crucial. Jackknife truck accidents stand out due to their potentially catastrophic consequences. Here are two...
How can in-car safety features contribute to crashes?
Modern cars have far more safety features than the ones many drivers began their driving journeys in. Cars did not always come with seat belts or airbags, let alone crash avoidance systems, lane-keeping assistance, automatic emergency braking and blind spot...
Why are fatal crashes on the rise?
Deadly car accidents have been a problem since automobiles were invented, but recent decades have generally seen a decline in fatal crashes. There are usually more drivers on the road every year, as the population grows, but many factors help to reduce the frequency...
Speed makes car accidents more likely, more severe
There is a clear link between speed and automobile accidents. This is the reason that breaking the speed limit is illegal. It’s not just a way to generate revenue through tickets, but a way to try to make the roads safer by keeping speeds down. What studies have found...