Sometimes car accidents happen during your daily commute. Other times they happen on your way to the grocery store or coming home from a party. Ultimately, though, most of the time no one anticipates being involved in a motor vehicle accident on any given day....
Month: August 2019
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3 benefits of following the 3-second rule
As summer slowly turns into fall, you must prepare for winter driving. Remember, when ice accumulates on roads, highways and bridges, your vehicle may require a greater distance to stop. As such, you may want to take the end of summer to refresh your driving...
Can semi-trucks drive in the left lane on Missouri highways?
In general, on freeways with at least two lanes of traffic in each direction, the left lane is the passing lane. Sometimes, however, semi-trucks drive in the left lane, making it difficult for other vehicles to pass, and frustrating those who are driving behind the...