Businesses and landlords renting out apartment buildings have a duty to visitors and tenants. They generally need to maintain their facilities in a reasonably safe manner. The obligations imposed on property owners and landlords apply to not just basic maintenance but also to security.
Property owners and landlords may face premises liability lawsuits in scenarios where negligent security practices lead to assaults or other criminal activity. Generally, those hurt by criminal activity on private property or at a business need to establish negligence related to security practices. They must convince other reasonable people that the business or property owner didn’t do what was reasonably necessary for the safety of others.
What are some of the most obviously negligent ways in which business owners or landlords fail to manage security matters?
Having unlit exterior spaces
Many criminals are opportunistic. They make snap decisions based on their circumstances to commit impulsive crimes. Parking lots, alleys and other dark exterior spaces can be particularly tempting for those with criminal intentions. Research has shown that proper exterior lighting can reduce criminal activity by more than a third. Choosing not to install or maintain exterior lighting is a common form of negligence.
Failing to restrict building or lot access
Landlords renting out multiple apartments often have restricted access to the main building as well as separate keys for individual units. Businesses often erect fences and secure their parking lots to limit criminal activity. The failure to exclude those with no reasonable justification to access a property can create opportunities for preventable criminal activity. Allowing unrestricted access, especially after dark, can increase the chances of crimes occurring.
Choosing to forgo security services
When landlords maintain buildings in high-crime areas or businesses operate in areas with lots of foot traffic, the possibility of criminal activity is obvious even to the average person. Businesses may need to invest in security services to address the likelihood of criminal activity. Different types of businesses and facilities attract different types of criminals. However, security cameras and the physical presence of a dedicated security guard can both serve as strong deterrents to an assortment of different types of crime. If landlords or business owners fail to obtain appropriate security services, they may be liable when predictable and therefore preventable crimes occur on their premises.
Recognizing the warning signs of negligence security practices can help people evaluate if they have grounds for a premises liability lawsuit. Those harmed by criminal activity can sometimes hold property owners accountable for failing to acknowledge the likelihood of a crime that ultimately causes harm.