A car accident can lead to traumatic spine and brain injuries. As a result, victims may find that they have limited control and feeling throughout their bodies. These victims could be suffering from paralysis. Paralysis is a serious medical condition that limits the motor function of the body.
Victims of motor accidents who are suffering from paralysis should learn more about their medical condition. Here is what you should know:
What causes paralysis?
Paralysis is commonly caused by the disruption of nerve signals that are sent between the brain and the rest of the body. These signals are often disrupted as a result of spine and brain injuries.
There are several forms of paralysis. Paralysis may affect the body in certain areas of the body or the entire body. For example, paralysis could limit feeling in the hand or limit control of the lower legs.
Can paralysis be cured?
Paralysis may be temporary or permanent. People who have temporary paralysis may find they can regain some or all control of their limbs with time and therapy. However, people who suffer from permanent paralysis may find that they have very few options to recover from their medical condition. Some treatments can provide temporary solutions and improve people’s lives.
How do you care for paralysis?
Because paralysis can affect people differently, the type of care people may require can vary. People who have serious forms of paralysis may require medical equipment for mobility. Home care may also be necessary to care for people with paralysis.
The care and treatment of paralysis can be expensive. Victims of auto accidents can learn about their legal options to recover damages for their losses.